jüngst meaning and definition in german
Seine Mutter hatte ihm jüngst ganz unvermutet dreihundert Franken geschickt.The idea of the theatre quickly germinated in Bovary 's head, for he at once communicated it to his wife, who at first refused, alleging the fatigue, the worry, the expense; but, for a wonder, Charles did not give in, so sure was he that this recreation would be good for her. He saw nothing to prevent it: his mother had sent them three hundred francs which he had no longer expected; the current debts were not very large, and the falling in of Lheureux 's bills was still so far off that there was no need to think about them. Besides, imagining that she was refusing from delicacy, he insisted the more; so that by dint of worrying her she at last made up her mind, and the next day at eight o 'clock they set out in the " Hirondelle."OP364891
Da hatte mich jüngst bei meinem Aufenthalt in einem entlegenen Teil des Landes ein Brief erreicht ein Brief von ihm, dessen seltsam ungestümer Charakter keine andere als eine persönliche und mündliche Beantwortung zuließ.A letter, however, had lately reached me in a distant part of the country? a letter from him? which, in its wildly importunate nature, had admitted of no other than a personal reply.OP557823