vergoldete meaning and definition in german

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  1. inflected form of vergoldet
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Auf der Stutzuhr spreizte sich ein kleiner kecker Amor aus Bronze, der in seinen erhobenen Armen eine vergoldete Girlande trug.On the clock there was a bronze cupid, who smirked as he bent his arm beneath a golden garland.OP381967
Sie saßen am Ofen, der die Form eines hochragenden Palmenstammes hatte, dessen innen vergoldete Fächer sich unter der weißen Decke ausbreiteten.At two o 'clock they were still at a table opposite each other. The large room was emptying; the stove-pipe, in the shape of a palm-tree, spread its gilt leaves over the white ceiling, and near them, outside the window, in the bright sunshine, a little fountain gurgled in a white basin, where; in the midst of watercress and asparagus, three torpid lobsters stretched across to some quails that lay heaped up in a pile on their sides.OP387183
Eines Tages brachte sie in ihrer Reisetasche ein halbes Dutzend vergoldete Teelöffel mit, das Hochzeitsgeschenk ihres Vaters.In fact someone had sent his mother a long anonymous letter to warn her that he was " ruining himself with a married woman, " and the good lady at once conjuring up the eternal bugbear of families, the vague pernicious creature, the siren, the monster, who dwells fantastically in depths of love, wrote to Lawyer Dubocage, his employer, who behaved perfectly in the affair. He kept him for three quarters of an hour trying to open his eyes, to warn him of the abyss into which he was falling. Such an intrigue would damage him later on, when he set up for himself. He implored him to break with her, and, if he would not make this sacrifice in his own interest, to do it at least for his, Dubocage 's sake.OP391225
» Ich weiß «, sagte K. und betrachtete den Zivilrock des Gerichtsdieners, der als einziges amtliches Abzeichen neben einigen gewöhnlichen Knöpfen auch zwei vergoldete Knöpfe aufwies, die von einem alten Offiziersmantel abgetrennt zu sein schienen." I know that, " said K. as he looked at the usher 's civilian coat which, beside its ordinary buttons, displayed two gilded ones as the only sign of his office and seemed to have been taken from an old army officer 's coat.OP439306