verbrauchte meaning and definition in german

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  1. inflected form of verbraucht
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Um seine Halstücher zu parfümieren, verbrauchte er den gesamten Vorrat an Kölnischem Wasser, den seine Schwiegertochter besaß.Being also in the habit of drinking a good deal of brandy, he often sent the servant to the Lion d 'Or to buy him a bottle, which was put down to his son 's account, and to perfume his handkerchiefs he used up his daughter-in-law 's whole supply of eau-de-cologne.OP313064
Sie schaffte sich einen gotischen Betstuhl an und verbrauchte in vier Wochen für vierzehn Franken Zitronen zur Pflege ihrer Hände.A woman who had laid on herself such sacrifices could well allow herself certain whims. She bought a Gothic prie-dieu, and in a month spent fourteen francs on lemons for polishing her nails; she wrote to Rouen for a blue cashmere gown; she chose one of Lheureux 's finest scarves, and wore it knotted around her waist over her dressing-gown; and, with closed blinds and a book in her hand, she lay stretched out on a couch in this garb.OP326564
Bartnjanski, der, nach seiner Lebensweise zu urteilen, jährlich mindestens fünfzigtausend Rubel verbrauchte, hatte gestern über diesen Punkt ihm gegenüber eine bemerkenswerte Äußerung getan.Bartnyansky, who spent at least fifty thousand roubles a year at the rate he was living, had the day before made a notable remark to him on the point.OP970760
Becky weinte, und Tom zermarterte sich das Hirn, um etwas zu ihrer Aufheiterung zu finden, aber all seine ermunternden Worte waren längst verbrauchte Argumente und klangen wie Hohn.Becky cried, and Tom tried to think of some way of comforting her, but all his encouragements were grown thread-bare with use, and sounded like sarcasms.OP1093936