entfremdet meaning and definition in german

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  1. past participle of entfremden
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» Weshalb nicht? « fragte ich mich; » was entfremdet ihn dem Hause?I asked myself. " What alienates him from the house?OP75976
Sympathien existieren ebenfalls; das glaube ich bestimmt ( zum Beispiel zwischen lange abwesenden, weit entfernten Verwandten, die einander schon seit langer Zeit entfremdet sind und trotzdem Sympathien haben, welche genau die Gemeinsamkeit ihres Ursprungs kennzeichnen ) Sympathien, deren Wirkungen weit über unser Begriffsvermögen hinausgehen.Sympathies, I believe, exist ( for instance, between far-distant, long-absent, wholly estranged relatives asserting, notwithstanding their alienation, the unity of the source to which each traces his origin ) whose workings baffle mortal comprehension.OP115668
Als ich ihn erblickte, dachte ich wieder daran, daß dieser Mann, entfremdet wie er mir jetzt war, einst mein Leben gerettet hatte und daß wir nahe Verwandte seien.The night before he left home, happening to see him walking in the garden about sunset, and remembering, as I looked at him, that this man, alienated as he now was, had once saved my life, and that we were near relations, I was moved to make a last attempt to regain his friendship.OP222117
Sie bildete sich ein, sie hätte sich ihn bereits allzusehr entfremdet, es wäre nun zu spät und alles sei verloren.She thought she had repulsed him too much, that the time was past, that all was lost.OP320075
Es war ihr, als sei Karl aus ihrem Leben herausgerissen, für immer entfremdet, unmöglich geworden, ausgetilgt.At the unexpected shock of this phrase falling on her thought like a leaden bullet on a silver plate, Emma, shuddering, raised her head in order to find out what he meant to say; and they looked at the other in silence, almost amazed to see each other, so far sundered were they by their inner thoughts. Charles gazed at her with the dull look of a drunken man, while he listened motionless to the last cries of the sufferer, that followed each other in long-drawn modulations, broken by sharp spasms like the far-off howling of some beast being slaughtered. Emma bit her wan lips, and rolling between her fingers a piece of coral that she had broken, fixed on Charles the burning glance of her eyes like two arrows of fire about to dart forth. Everything in him irritated her now; his face, his dress, what he did not say, his whole person, his existence, in fine. She repented of her past virtue as of a crime, and what still remained of it rumbled away beneath the furious blows of her pride. She revelled in all the evil ironies of triumphant adultery. The memory of her lover came back to her with dazzling attractions; she threw her whole soul into it, borne away towards this image with a fresh enthusiasm; and Charles seemed to her as much removed from her life, as absent forever, as impossible and annihilated, as if he had been about to die and were passing under her eyes.OP350989
Der bloße Entschluß, mit ihr zu brechen, hatte sie ihm mit einem Male ungeheuerlich entfremdet.Emma seemed to him to have receded into a far-off past, as if the resolution he had taken had suddenly placed a distance between them.OP356936
Sergei hatte sich auch früher schon immer dem Vater gegenüber sehr schüchtern benommen; jetzt nun gar, wo Alexei Alexandrowitsch angefangen hatte, ihn » junger Mann « zu nennen, und wo er die Rätselfrage in seinem Kopfe herumwälzte, ob Wronski ein Freund oder ein Feind sei, jetzt hatte er sich dem Vater ganz und gar entfremdet.Serezha, who had always been timid with his father, now that the latter addressed him as ' young man, ' and that the question whether Vronsky was a friend or a foe had entered his head, shrank from him.OP679832