ausdruckslos meaning and definition in german
![<span class="pron">/ˈaʊ̯sdʁʊksˌloːs/</span> , <span class="pron">[ˈʔaʊ̯sdʁʊksˌloːs]</span> top meaning sound audo pronunciation play](

Ihre erweiterten Augen blickten ausdruckslos umher.Drops of sweat oozed from her bluish face, that seemed as if rigid in the exhalations of a metallic vapour. Her teeth chattered, her dilated eyes looked vaguely about her, and to all questions she replied only with a shake of the head; she even smiled once or twice. Gradually, her moaning grew louder; a hollow shriek burst from her; she pretended she was better and that she would get up presently. But she was seized with convulsions and cried out?OP402000
K. sah sie ausdruckslos wie eine Fremde an, er wollte weder verraten, daß er enttäuscht war, noch auch, daß er die Enttäuschung leicht überwinden könne.K. watched her without expression like a stranger, he wanted to show neither that he was disappointed nor that he would easily get over his disappointment.OP438793