nie meaning and definition in german

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usage notes, top meaning not once In English it is quite common to use the word “never” referring to a defined period of time: “I was waiting all night, but he never called.” German generally prefers, and often requires, to use nicht ‎(not) in such contexts, possibly emphasized by another adverb such as gar oder überhaupt: Ich habe den ganzen Abend gewartet, aber er hat (gar) nicht angerufen. Using nie is only possible if such a period of time is (unusually) long, as in the example sentence above.
  1. never, never at all (referring to an indefinite period of time) Das ist nie passiert! – That has never happened! Wir werden die Wahrheit wohl nie erfahren. – We'll probably never know the truth.
  2. never, not once (referring to a defined period of time; see usage notes below) Er hat sich in zwei Wochen nie die Haare gewaschen. He never washed his hair in two weeks' time.
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