plus meaning and definition in german

24h meaning and definition guarantee
Frequency: word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency
  1. plus, zuzüglich, und
Frequency: word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency
  1. das Plus, der Pluspunkt, das Pluszeichen
  2. der Vorteil
Frequency: word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency
  1. sowie
Frequency: word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency word meaning frequency
  1. Extra-, plus
derived terms open, top meaning


"Sire, the bailiff of the palace has the Rue Calendre as far as the Rue de l 'Herberie, the Place Saint Michel?, and the localities vulgarly known as the Mureaux, situated near the church of Notre Dame des Champs (? here Louis XI. raised the brim of his hat ), which hotels number thirteen, plus the Cour des Miracles, plus the Maladerie, called the Banlieue, plus the whole highway which begins at that Maladerie and ends at the Porte Sainte Jacques?.» OP3107758
"Sire, the bailiff of the palace has the Rue Calendre as far as the Rue de l 'Herberie, the Place Saint Michel?, and the localities vulgarly known as the Mureaux, situated near the church of Notre Dame des Champs (? here Louis XI. raised the brim of his hat ), which hotels number thirteen, plus the Cour des Miracles, plus the Maladerie, called the Banlieue, plus the whole highway which begins at that Maladerie and ends at the Porte Sainte Jacques?.» OP3107764
"Sire, the bailiff of the palace has the Rue Calendre as far as the Rue de l 'Herberie, the Place Saint Michel?, and the localities vulgarly known as the Mureaux, situated near the church of Notre Dame des Champs (? here Louis XI. raised the brim of his hat ), which hotels number thirteen, plus the Cour des Miracles, plus the Maladerie, called the Banlieue, plus the whole highway which begins at that Maladerie and ends at the Porte Sainte Jacques?.» OP3107772
Cela n 'est pas plus fin que ça, if you happen to see their cards.Cela n'est pas plus fin que ça,2 wenn man ihnen in die Karten blickt.OP4605397
Au fond c 'est la femme la plus dépravée qui existe.Au fond c'est la femme la plus dépravée qui existe.1 Sie hat ein Verhältnis mit Tuschkewitsch gehabt und ihren Mann auf die schändlichste Weise betrogen.OP4767391