windiger meaning and definition in german

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  1. comparative degree of windig
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Wenn es sehr windig war, kam ihr flaumiges Haar im Nacken in wehenden Wirrwarr, oder die Schürzenbänder begannen ihr um die Hüften zu flattern.As to Charles, he did not stop to ask himself why it was a pleasure to him to go to the Bertaux. Had he done so, he would, no doubt, have attributed his zeal to the importance of the case, or perhaps to the money he hoped to make by it. Was it for this, however, that his visits to the farm formed a delightful exception to the meagre occupations of his life? On these days he rose early, set off at a gallop, urging on his horse, then got down to wipe his boots in the grass and put on black gloves before entering. He liked going into the courtyard, and noticing the gate turn against his shoulder, the cock crow on the wall, the lads run to meet him. He liked the granary and the stables; he liked old Rouault, who pressed his hand and called him his saviour; he like the small wooden shoes of Mademoiselle Emma on the scoured flags of the kitchen her high heels? made her a little taller; and when she walked in front of him, the wooden soles springing up quickly struck with a sharp sound against the leather of her boots.OP283520
Auf der Treppe begegneten ihm zwei Personen: eine Dame, die auf ihren Hackenstiefelchen eilig hinauflief, und ein windig aussehender Staatsanwaltschaftsgehilfe.On the stairs he met a couple: a lady running up swiftly in her high-heeled shoes, and the Assistant Public Prosecutor.OP934197