weibisch meaning and definition in german

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Cyrus mußte die Perser mit der medischen Herrschaft unzufrieden, und die Meder durch den langen Frieden weichlich und weibisch finden.It was necessary that Cyrus should find the Persians discontented with the government of the Medes, and the Medes soft and effeminate through their long peace.OP531180
Einer gilt für freigebig, der andere für filzig,17 einer liebt zu geben, der andre zu rauben; einer ist grausam, der andre mitleidig; einer treulos, der andre zuverlässig; einer weibisch und feig, der andre muthig und wild; einer menschenfreundlich, der andre übermüthig; einer wollüstig, der andre keusch und züchtig; einer aufrichtig, der andre listig; einer hartherzig, der andre nachgibig; einer ernsthaft, der andre leichtsinnig; einer religiös, der andre ungläubig und so weiter.Therefore, putting on one side imaginary things concerning a prince, and discussing those which are real, I say that all men when they are spoken of, and chiefly princes for being more highly placed, are remarkable for some of those qualities which bring them either blame or praise; and thus it is that one is reputed liberal, another miserly, using a Tuscan term ( because an avaricious person in our language is still he who desires to possess by robbery, whilst we call one miserly who deprives himself too much of the use of his own ); one is reputed generous, one rapacious; one cruel, one compassionate; one faithless, another faithful; one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and brave; one affable, another haughty; one lascivious, another chaste; one sincere, another cunning; one hard, another easy; one grave, another frivolous; one religious, another unbelieving, and the like.OP543515
Verächtlich wird derjenige, der für wankelmüthig, leichtsinnig, weibisch, kleinmüthig, unentschlossen gilt: dieses muß ein Fürst vermeiden, wie eine Klippe; und sich bemühen, in seinen Handlungen eine gewisse Größe, Muth, Ernst und Stärke zu zeigen.It makes him contemptible to be considered fickle, frivolous, effeminate, mean-spirited, irresolute, from all of which a prince should guard himself as from a rock; and he should endeavour to show in his actions greatness, courage, gravity, and fortitude; and in his private dealings with his subjects let him show that his judgments are irrevocable, and maintain himself in such reputation that no one can hope either to deceive him or to get round him.OP546774
Dennoch fiel er in Geringschätzung, weil er für weibisch galt, und es hieß, er ließe sich von seiner Mutter regieren.But let us come to Alexander, who was a man of such great goodness, that among the other praises which are accorded him is this, that in the fourteen years he held the empire no one was ever put to death by him unjudged; nevertheless, being considered effeminate and a man who allowed himself to be governed by his mother, he became despised, the army conspired against him, and murdered him.OP548535
Ich trete ihr gegenüber nicht als Mann auf; ich bin weibisch geworden...I am not manly with her, I have grown effeminate...OP895186
( Er selbst haßte diese Locken von Herzen und versuchte, sie auf den Kopf niederzubürsten; denn er hielt Locken für weibisch, und sie erfüllten sein Leben mit Bitterkeit. )[ He privately smoothed out the curls, with labor and difficulty, and plastered his hair close down to his head; for he held curls to be effeminate, and his own filled his life with bitterness. ] OP1029205