verspätete meaning and definition in german

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  1. inflected form of verspätet
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Bei seinem Eintritt in den Salon bat Stepan Arkadjewitsch um Entschuldigung, erklärte, er sei von dem Fürsten N.N. ( ein solcher Fürst diente ihm immer als Sündenbock, sooft er sich verspätete oder ganz ausblieb ) aufgehalten worden, und brachte dann in einem Augenblick seine Gäste miteinander in Berührung.On entering the drawing-room Oblonsky made his excuses, explaining that he had been kept by the particular Prince who was his usual scapegoat whenever he was late or absent, and in a moment he had reintroduced everybody, and having brought Karenin and Koznyshev together, he started them off on the subject of the Russification of Poland, and they immediately caught on, Pestsov joining them.OP779268