variiert meaning and definition in german
Er stellte seine Betrachtungen über die verschiedenen Handschriften an, über den Stil in den einzelnen Briefbündeln, über die nicht minder variierende Rechtschreibung darin.In fact, these women, rushing at once into his thoughts, cramped each other and lessened, as reduced to a uniform level of love that equalised them all. So taking handfuls of the mixed-up letters, he amused himself for some moments with letting them fall in cascades from his right into his left hand. At last, bored and weary, Rodolphe took back the box to the cupboard, saying to himself, " What a lot of rubbish! " Which summed up his opinion; for pleasures, like schoolboys in a school courtyard, had so trampled upon his heart that no green thing grew there, and that which passed through it, more heedless than children, did not even, like them, leave a name carved upon the wall.OP357243