steter meaning and definition in german

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  1. inflected form of stet
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Deshalb schwebte er in steter Furcht, der Landgendarm könne ihn erwischen, und doch fügte die Aufregung seinem Vergnügen einen Reiz mehr zu.The tax-collector was thus trying to hide the fright he had had, for a prefectorial order having prohibited duckhunting except in boats, Monsieur Binet, despite his respect for the laws, was infringing them, and so he every moment expected to see the rural guard turn up. But this anxiety whetted his pleasure, and, all alone in his tub, he congratulated himself on his luck and on his cuteness. At sight of Emma he seemed relieved from a great weight, and at once entered upon a conversation.OP342808
Wronski vermochte nicht zu begreifen, wie sie mit ihrer kraftvollen, ehrlichen Natur diesen Zustand steter Unwahrhaftigkeit ertragen und nicht den Wunsch hegen konnte, aus ihm herauszukommen; aber er erriet nicht, daß die Hauptursache ihres Verhaltens das Wort Sohn war, das sie sich nicht überwinden konnte, auszusprechen.Vronsky could not understand how she, with her strong honest nature, could endure this state of deception and not wish to escape from it; but he did not guess that the chief cause lay in the one word ' son ' which she could not bring herself to utter.OP671037