über meaning and definition in german

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usage notes, top meaning The preposition über is used with accusative case if the verb shows movement from one place to another, whereas it is used with dative case if the verb shows location.
  1. accusative, or, dative above, over, foremost Es gab eine Brücke über dem Fluss.
    There was a bridge over the river.
    Der Vogel flog über den Fluss.
    The bird flew over the river.
  2. accusative by, via, through Der Zug fährt über den Hauptbahnhof.
    The train goes via the main station.
    Ich kaufe alles über das Internet.
    I buy everything through the internet.
  3. accusative across Ich fahre mit der Fähre über die Ostsee.
    I travel on the ferry across the Baltic Sea.
  4. accusative during, for, over a time period Es regnete über das Wochenende.
    It rained over the weekend.
    Er hat uns über Jahre belogen.
    He's lied to us for years.
  5. accusative about Ich schreibe ein Buch über Goethes Leben.
    I'm writing a book about Goethe's life.
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  1. over, more than Das Auto kostet über 10.000 Euro.
derived terms open, top meaning


derived terms open, top meaning

