neunzig meaning and definition in german


Verbesserte Kuhherden von der Art wie Pawa; ein in seiner ganzen Ausdehnung verbessertes, mit modernen Pflügen bearbeitetes Ackerland; neun gleiche, mit Weidengebüsch eingefaßte Felder; neunzig Deßjatinen mit tief untergepflügtem Dünger; Reihensämaschinen und so weiter: alles das wäre wunderschön gewesen, wenn er es hätte entweder allein ausführen können oder in Kameradschaft mit gleichgesinnten Männern.The delight he had felt in the labour itself, occasioned by his having drawn nearer to the peasants, his jealousy of them, his envy of their life, his desire to adopt that kind of life ( which had not been a mere desire that night but a real intention, the details of which he had considered ), all these things together had so changed his outlook on the working of his estate that he could no longer feel his former interest in the work, or help noticing the unpleasant relation to the labourer on which it was all based. Herds of cattle of an improved breed like Pava, the tilled land ploughed with good ploughs, the nine fields surrounded with willows, the hundreds of acres of deeply manured land, the seed drills and all such things, were splendid if they could be worked by himself alone or with the help of friends and people in sympathy with him.OP745242