Brennen meaning and definition in german

brennen meaning and definition in german


to burn; to light on fire Ich beobachtete wie das Haus brannte. — I watched the house burn. Es brennt! — There is a fire!
to burn; to be on fire Mein Haus brennt! — My house is on fire! Trockenes Holz brennt am besten. — Dry wood burns best.
to have a strong affection for; to be affectionate Ich brenne darauf sie zu besuchen! — I would really like to visit her.
to be lit, to be on (of a light or lamp) Das Licht in der Küche brannte noch immer. — The light in the kitchen was still on.
to irritate; to induce pain or another pianful sensation; to bite; to sting especially in the eyes Die Zwiebeln brennen in meinen Augen! — The onions sting in my eyes! Dieser Senf brennt wie Teufel auf meiner Zunge! — This mustard bites my tongue like hell!