absondern meaning and definition in german

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third-person singular simple present sondert ab, past tense sonderte ab, past participle abgesondert, auxiliary haben
  1. to separate, to segregate
  2. reflexive to seclude oneself
  3. biology to secrete
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Solcher muß man sich bedienen: absonderlich wenn sie Verstand haben; denn so lange es gut geht, wird man von ihnen geehrt, und im Unglücke hat man sie nicht zu fürchten.Those who so bind themselves, and are not rapacious, ought to be honoured and loved; those who do not bind themselves may be dealt with in two ways; they may fail to do this through pusillanimity and a natural want of courage, in which case you ought to make use of them, especially of those who are of good counsel; and thus, whilst in prosperity you honour them, in adversity you do not have to fear them.OP536880
Diese können, absonderlich im Unglücke, leicht das Oberhaupt umwerfen, indem sie sich ihm widersetzen, oder auch nur den Gehorsam verweigern: der Fürst aber darf in den gefährlichen Augenblicken nicht daran denken, die unbeschränkte Herrschaft an sich zu reißen, weil die Bürger und Unterthanen, welche gewohnt sind, den obrigkeitlichen Personen zu gehorchen, ihm keine Folge leisten, und es ihm schwer wird, Personen zu finden, denen er trauen kann.In the latter case their government is weaker and more insecure, because it rests entirely on the goodwill of those citizens who are raised to the magistracy, and who, especially in troubled times, can destroy the government with great ease, either by intrigue or open defiance; and the prince has not the chance amid tumults to exercise absolute authority, because the citizens and subjects, accustomed to receive orders from magistrates, are not of a mind to obey him amid these confusions, and there will always be in doubtful times a scarcity of men whom he can trust.OP537370
Ein Fürst, und absonderlich ein neuer Fürst, kann nicht immer alles das beobachten, was bei andern Menschen für gut gilt; er muß oft, um seinen Platz zu behaupten, Treue, Menschenliebe, Menschlichkeit und Religion verletzen.And you have to understand this, that a prince, especially a new one, cannot observe all those things for which men are esteemed, being often forced, in order to maintain the state, to act contrary to fidelity, friendship, humanity, and religion.OP546310
Bei den Handlungen der Menschen, absonderlich der Fürsten, welche keinen Gerichtshof über sich anerkennen, wird immer auf den Endzweck gesehen.Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many, who have the majesty of the state to defend them; and in the actions of all men, and especially of princes, which it is not prudent to challenge, one judges by the result.OP546482