Fingerspitze meaning and definition in german
![<span class="pron">[ˈfɪŋɐˌʃpɪtsə]</span> top meaning sound audo pronunciation play](

Manchmal küßte er sie tüchtig auf die Wangen, oder er reihte eine Menge kleiner Küsse gleichsam aneinander, die ihren nackten Arm in seiner ganzen Länge von den Fingerspitzen bis hinauf zur Schulter bedeckten.He could not keep from constantly touching her comb, her ring, her fichu; sometimes he gave her great sounding kisses with all his mouth on her cheeks, or else little kisses in a row all along her bare arm from the tip of her fingers up to her shoulder, and she put him away half-smiling, half-vexed, as you do a child who hangs about you.OP290852
Das Herz klopfte Emma ein wenig, als der erste Tänzer sie an den Fingerspitzen faßte und in die Reihe der anderen führte.Emma 's heart beat rather faster when, her partner holding her by the tips of the fingers, she took her place in a line with the dancers, and waited for the first note to start. But her emotion soon vanished, and, swaying to the rhythm of the orchestra, she glided forward with slight movements of the neck. A smile rose to her lips at certain delicate phrases of the violin, that sometimes played alone while the other instruments were silent; one could hear the clear clink of the louis d 'or that were being thrown down upon the card tables in the next room; then all struck again, the cornet-a-piston uttered its sonorous note, feet marked time, skirts swelled and rustled, hands touched and parted; the same eyes falling before you met yours again.OP297247
Mit den Fingerspitzen faßte sie ihr Kleid in der Kniegegend, zog es bis zu den Knöcheln herauf und wärmte ihre mit schwarzledernen Stiefeletten bekleideten Füße an der Glut, in der die Hammelkeule am Spieß gedreht wurde.With the tips of her fingers she caught her dress at the knee, and having thus pulled it up to her ankle, held out her foot in its black boot to the fire above the revolving leg of mutton.OP308536
Langsam und klopfenden Herzens hob er mit den Fingerspitzen den Schleier.Slowly, with the tips of his fingers, palpitating, he lifted her veil.OP408516
Zufrieden damit, nur seine ruhigen Worte in der fremden Versammlung zu hören, wagte es K. sogar, kurzerhand das Heft dem Untersuchungsrichter wegzunehmen und es mit den Fingerspitzen, als scheue er sich davor, an einem mittleren Blatte hochzuheben, so daß beiderseits die engbeschriebenen, fleckigen, gelbrandigen Blätter hinunterhingen.K. was satisfied to hear nothing but his own quiet words in this room full of strangers, and he even dared casually to pick up the examining judge 's notebook and, touching it only with the tips of his fingers as if it were something revolting, lifted it in the air, holding it just by one of the middle pages so that the others on each side of it, closely written, blotted and yellowing, flapped down.OP432261
Das Mädchen lächelte auch, schlug aber dem Mann leicht mit den Fingerspitzen auf den Arm, als hätte er sich mit K. einen zu starken Spaß erlaubt.The young woman smiled too, but lightly tapped the man 's arm with the tips of her fingers as if he had allowed himself too much fun with K.OP442918
» Die Rechte der Reisenden auf die Wahl ihrer Plätze sind überhaupt nur sehr mangelhaft festgelegt «, versetzte Alexei Alexandrowitsch und wischte sich mit dem Taschentuche die Fingerspitzen ab.' The rights of passengers to a choice of seats are very ill-defined, ' said Karenin, wiping the tips of his fingers on his handkerchief.OP781159