
Akte meaning and definition in german

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f ‎(genitive Akte, plural Akten)
  1. file (collection of papers)
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Emma, die erst in ihrem Äußeren so akkurat und adrett gewesen war, lief nunmehr tagelang in ihrem Morgenkleide umher, trug graue baumwollne Strümpfe und fing an zu knausern und zu geizen.She who was formerly so careful, so dainty, now passed whole days without dressing, wore grey cotton stockings, and burnt tallow candles.OP303499
Der Arzt, den der ihm nicht zukommende akademische Titel schmeichelte, stotterte ein paar verbindliche Worte.The doctor, flattered at this unexpected title, launched out into obsequious phrases.OP339127
Das aktuelle Ereignis und das allgemeine Interesse an der Operation hatten eine derartig große Volksmenge angezogen, daß der Zugang zu dem Etablissement gesperrt werden mußte.The novelty of the attempt, and the interest incident to the subject, had attracted such a concourse of persons that there was a veritable obstruction on the threshold of the establishment.OP347718
Eines Tages zeigte sie ihm sogar den Entwurf einer Generalvollmacht, die ihr das Recht übertrug, das Vermögen zu verwalten, Darlehen aufzunehmen, Wechsel auszustellen und zu akzeptieren, jederlei Zahlung zu leisten und zu empfangen usw. Lheureux war ihr Lehrmeister.She quoted technical terms casually, pronounced the grand words of order, the future, foresight, and constantly exaggerated the difficulties of settling his father 's affairs so much, that at last one day she showed him the rough draft of a power of attorney to manage and administer his business, arrange all loans, sign and endorse all bills, pay all sums, etc. She had profited by Lheureux 's lessons.OP378033
» Es sind da zwei Standpunkte zu unterscheiden «, fuhr Alexei Alexandrowitsch von neuem in seiner Darlegung fort, » der der aktiv Beteiligten und der der Zuschauer.' There are two sides to it, ' continued Karenin, ' that of the performers and that of the spectators.OP681569
Und plötzlich ließ ihn ein ganz anderes Gefühl, nicht ein akuter Schmerz, sondern eine dumpfe, seine ganze Seele erfüllende Qual für einen Augenblick den Zahnschmerz vergessen.At the sight of the tender and the rails, and under the influence of conversation with some one he had not met since the catastrophe, he suddenly remembered her; that is, remembered what was left of her when; like a madman, he ran into the railway shed where on a table, stretched out shamelessly before the eyes of strangers, lay the mangled body still warm with recent life. The head, left intact, with its heavy plaits and the curls round the temples, was thrown back; and on the lovely face with its half-open red lips was frozen an expression pitiful? on the lips and horrible in the fixed open eyes an expression? which repeated, as if in words, the terrible phrase about his repenting it? which she had uttered during their quarrel.OP999767
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