spannte meaning and definition in german

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  1. First-person singular preterite of spannen.
  2. Third-person singular preterite of spannen.
  3. First-person singular subjunctive II of spannen.
  4. Third-person singular subjunctive II of spannen.
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Mir war, Sir, als seien Sie mir auf derselben Straße um eine lange Strecke voraus, und ich spannte alle meine Nerven an, Sie einzuholen; ich machte unzählige Anstrengungen Ihren Namen zu rufen und Sie zu bitten, daß Sie in Ihrem Lauf innehalten möchten aber meine Bewegungen waren gelähmt und meine Stimme verhallte ungehört, während Sie das fühlte ich sich weiter und weiter entfernten. «I thought, sir, that you were on the road a long way before me; and I strained every nerve to overtake you, and made effort on effort to utter your name and entreat you to stop--but my movements were fettered, and my voice still died away inarticulate; while you, I felt, withdrew farther and farther every moment."OP150096
Emma war bereits auf der Schwelle, da ging sie wieder ins Haus, holte ihren Sonnenschirm und spannte ihn auf.As to Charles, he did not stop to ask himself why it was a pleasure to him to go to the Bertaux. Had he done so, he would, no doubt, have attributed his zeal to the importance of the case, or perhaps to the money he hoped to make by it. Was it for this, however, that his visits to the farm formed a delightful exception to the meagre occupations of his life? On these days he rose early, set off at a gallop, urging on his horse, then got down to wipe his boots in the grass and put on black gloves before entering. He liked going into the courtyard, and noticing the gate turn against his shoulder, the cock crow on the wall, the lads run to meet him. He liked the granary and the stables; he liked old Rouault, who pressed his hand and called him his saviour; he like the small wooden shoes of Mademoiselle Emma on the scoured flags of the kitchen her high heels? made her a little taller; and when she walked in front of him, the wooden soles springing up quickly struck with a sharp sound against the leather of her boots.OP283588
Die Post spannte in Rouen im » Roten Kreuz « am Beauvoisine-Platz aus.The diligence stopped at the " Croix-Rouge " in the Place Beauvoisine. It was the inn that is in every provincial faubourg, with large stables and small bedrooms, where one sees in the middle of the court chickens pilfering the oats under the muddy gigs of the commercial travellers? a good old house, with worm-eaten balconies that creak in the wind on winter nights, always full of people, noise, and feeding, whose black tables are sticky with coffee and brandy, the thick windows made yellow by the flies, the damp napkins stained with cheap wine, and that always smells of the village, like ploughboys dressed in Sundayclothes, has a cafe on the street, and towards the countryside a kitchen-garden. Charles at once set out. He muddled up the stage-boxes with the gallery, the pit with the boxes; asked for explanations, did not understand them; was sent from the box-office to the acting-manager; came back to the inn, returned to the theatre, and thus several times traversed the whole length of the town from the theatre to the boulevard.OP365031
Hivert spannte höchst gemächlich die Postkutsche an, wobei er der Witwe Franz zuhörte, die in der Nachthaube oben zu ihrem Schlafstubenfenster heraussah und ihm tausend Aufträge und Verhaltungsmaßregeln erteilte, die jeden andern Kutscher verrückt gemacht hätten.Hivert was leisurely harnessing his horses, listening, moreover, to Mere Lefrancois, who, passing her head and nightcap through a grating, was charging him with commissions and giving him explanations that would have confused anyone else.OP380327
Er spannte seinen Wagen an, sprang auf den Bock, hieb auf sein Pferd los und langte gegen zwei Uhr morgens im » Roten Kreuz « an.At last, at eleven o 'clock, able to bear it no longer, Charles harnessed his chaise, jumped in, whipped up his horse, and reached the " Croix-Rouge " about two o 'clock in the morning.OP385896
Sie spannte den Mittelund Ringfinger ihrer rechten Hand auseinander, zwischen denen das Verbindungshäutchen fast bis zum obersten Gelenk der kurzen Finger reichte.She spread the middle and ring fingers of her right hand apart from each other. Between those fingers the flap of skin connecting them reached up almost as far as the top joint of the little finger.OP458263
Ohne sich darüber Rechenschaft abzulegen, zu welchem Zweck er das eigentlich tue, spannte er während dieser zwei Tage alle seine Geisteskräfte an, um eine ruhige, sogar gleichmütige Miene zur Schau zu tragen.Without rendering account to himself why he did it, during those two days he tried with all his might to appear calm and even indifferent.OP848713
Er befand sich in einer peinlichen Uneinigkeit mit sich selbst und spannte alle Kräfte seines Geistes an, um aus ihr herauszukommen.He was painfully out of harmony with himself and strained all his spiritual powers to escape from this condition.OP1003775