reizte meaning and definition in german

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  1. First-person singular preterite of reizen.
  2. Third-person singular preterite of reizen.
  3. First-person singular subjunctive II of reizen.
  4. Third-person singular subjunctive II of reizen.
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» Ich habe nicht geträumt, « sagte ich mit einiger Heftigkeit, denn ihre eiserne Ruhe reizte mich." I was not dreaming, " I said, with some warmth, for her brazen coolness provoked me.OP79620
Und in der That lag etwas in der hastigen, unklaren Antwort, das meine Neugierde nur noch mehr reizte, anstatt sie zu befriedigen.I exclaimed: and indeed there was something in the hasty and unexplanatory reply which, instead of allaying, piqued my curiosity more than ever.OP206463
Die Eifersucht hatte sich seiner bemächtigt, sie quälte und reizte ihn, aber dieser Reiz war gesund, er riß ihn aus der qualvollen Melancholie, welcher er anheimgefallen.Jealousy had got hold of him: she stung him; but the sting was salutary: it gave him respite from the gnawing fang of melancholy.OP238880
Gerade seine Gutmütigkeit reizte sie zur Rebellion.Domestic mediocrity drove her to lewd fancies, marriage tenderness to adulterous desires.OP320349
Jetzt reizte sie alles an ihm; sein Gesicht, sein Anzug, sein Schweigen, seine ganze Erscheinung, ja seine Existenz.At the unexpected shock of this phrase falling on her thought like a leaden bullet on a silver plate, Emma, shuddering, raised her head in order to find out what he meant to say; and they looked at the other in silence, almost amazed to see each other, so far sundered were they by their inner thoughts. Charles gazed at her with the dull look of a drunken man, while he listened motionless to the last cries of the sufferer, that followed each other in long-drawn modulations, broken by sharp spasms like the far-off howling of some beast being slaughtered. Emma bit her wan lips, and rolling between her fingers a piece of coral that she had broken, fixed on Charles the burning glance of her eyes like two arrows of fire about to dart forth. Everything in him irritated her now; his face, his dress, what he did not say, his whole person, his existence, in fine. She repented of her past virtue as of a crime, and what still remained of it rumbled away beneath the furious blows of her pride. She revelled in all the evil ironies of triumphant adultery. The memory of her lover came back to her with dazzling attractions; she threw her whole soul into it, borne away towards this image with a fresh enthusiasm; and Charles seemed to her as much removed from her life, as absent forever, as impossible and annihilated, as if he had been about to die and were passing under her eyes.OP350874
Durch den fortwährenden Wechsel in ihren Launen, die sie bald tiefsinnig, bald ausgelassen machten, bald redselig, bald schweigsam, bald überschwenglich, bald blasiert, rief und reizte Emma in ihm tausend Lüste, Gefühle und Reminiszenzen.By the diversity of her humour, in turn mystical or mirthful, talkative, taciturn, passionate, careless, she awakened in him a thousand desires, called up instincts or memories.OP381720
Er hatte kein besonderes Verlangen nach ihr, er konnte sich nicht einmal genau erinnern, wie sie aussah, aber nun wollte er mit ihr reden und es reizte ihn, daß sie durch ihr spätes Kommen auch noch in den Abschluß dieses Tages Unruhe und Unordnung brachte.He had no particular desire for her, he could not even remember what she looked like, but now he wanted to speak to her and it irritated him that her late arrival home meant this day would be full of unease and disorder right to its very end.OP425473
Diese stumme Hilflosigkeit, die äußerlich nicht anders aussah als Trotz, reizte K. noch mehr.K. was irritated all the more by this dumb helplessness which, seen from the outside, could have seemed like a kind of defiance on her part.OP445836
Er begriff nicht, daß gerade sein Mitleid mit ihr sie reizte.He did not understand that his pity exasperated her.OP571222
Weshalb diese drei jungen Damen tagelang Französich und Englisch sprechen mußten; weshalb sie zu bestimmten Stunden abwechselnd Klavier spielten ( die Klänge des Instruments waren oben im Zimmer des Bruders zu hören, wo die beiden Studenten arbeiteten ); weshalb alle diese Lehrer, für französische Literatur, für Musik, für Zeichnen, für Tanzen, ins Haus kamen; weshalb zu bestimmten Stunden die drei jungen Damen mit Mademoiselle Linon in der Kutsche nach dem Twerskoi-Boulevard fuhren, alle in ihren Atlaspelzen, und zwar Dolly in einem langen, Natalja in einem halblangen und Kitty in einem ganz kurzen, so daß ihre wohlgestalteten Beinchen in den straff sitzenden roten Strümpfen ganz zu sehen waren; warum sie in Begleitung eines Dieners mit einer goldenen Kokarde am Hute auf dem Twerskoi-Boulevard spazierengehen mußten: alles dies und vieles andere, was in ihrer geheimnisvollen Welt geschah, verstand Ljewin nicht; aber er wußte, daß alles, was dort geschah, vortrefflich war, und gerade das Geheimnisvolle all dieser Vorgänge lockte und reizte ihn.Why these three young ladies had to speak French and English on alternate days; why at a given time they played, each in her turn, on the piano ( the sound of which reached their brother 's room where the students were at work ); why those masters of French literature, music, drawing, and dancing came to the house; why at certain hours the three young ladies accompanied by Mademoiselle Linon were driven in a calèche to the Tverskoy Boulevard, wearing satin cloaks ( Dolly a long one; Nataly a somewhat shorter one; and Kitty so short a cloak that her shapely little legs in their tight red stockings were quite exposed ); why they had to walk up and down the Tverskoy Boulevard accompanied by a footman with a gilt cockade in his hat,? all this and much more that happened in this mystic world he did not understand; but he knew that everything done there was beautiful and he was in love with the very mystery of it all.OP576631
Daß kein Mensch irgendwelchen Anlaß habe sich zu freuen, darüber war sich Anna so klar, daß dieses Lachen in schmerzhafter Weise ihre Nerven reizte und sie sich am liebsten die Ohren zugestopft hätte, um es nicht zu hören.It was so clear to Anna that no one had any cause for joy that this laughter jarred on her painfully, and she wished to stop her ears, not to hear it.OP991782