nachfolgen meaning and definition in german
third-person singular simple present folgt nach, past tense folgte nach, past participle nachgefolgt, auxiliary sein
Wie ich aus den nachfolgenden Begebenheiten schloß, wagte der Apotheker während der Unterredung mit Mrs. Reed ihr anzuempfehlen, daß sie mich in eine Schule schicke; und ohne Zweifel wurde dieser Rat sehr bereitwillig angenommen, denn als ich an einem der folgenden Abende im Bette lag, und Bessie und Abbot mich schlafend glaubten, sagte letztere: » Ich glaube, die gnädige Frau ist nur zu froh, solch ein langweiliges, boshaftes Kind los zu werden; sie sieht immer aus, als beobachte sie jeden Menschen und schmiede heimliche Pläne. «In the interview which followed between him and Mrs. Reed, I presume, from after-occurrences, that the apothecary ventured to recommend my being sent to school; and the recommendation was no doubt readily enough adopted; for as Abbot said, in discussing the subject with Bessie when both sat sewing in the nursery one night, after I was in bed, and, as they thought, asleep, " Missis was, she dared say, glad enough to get rid of such a tiresome, ill-conditioned child, who always looked as if she were watching everybody, and scheming plots underhand."OP9899
In der Länge der Zeit einer fortgesetzten Herrschaft wird die Veranlassung und die Erinnerung der Neuerungen vergessen, wohingegen Eine Neuerung immer durch sich selbst die Veranlassung zu andern nachfolgenden zurückläßt.For the hereditary prince has less cause and less necessity to offend; hence it happens that he will be more loved; and unless extraordinary vices cause him to be hated, it is reasonable to expect that his subjects will be naturally well disposed towards him; and in the antiquity and duration of his rule the memories and motives that make for change are lost, for one change always leaves the toothing for another.OP526226
In der Zukunft hatte er vornehmlich zu fürchten, daß ein nachfolgender Papst ihm weniger gewogen sein, und das nehmen möchte, was Alexander ihm gegeben hatte.But as to the future he had to fear, in the first place, that a new successor to the Church might not be friendly to him and might seek to take from him that which Alexander had given him, so he decided to act in four ways. Firstly, by exterminating the families of those lords whom he had despoiled, so as to take away that pretext from the Pope.OP533604
Dieser Fehler nebst einigen andern, die bald nachfolgten, ward Ursache der großen Gefahr, in welche sein Reich gerieth.Afterwards his son, King Louis, abolished the infantry and began to enlist the Switzers, which mistake, followed by others, is, as is now seen, a source of peril to that kingdom; because, having raised the reputation of the Switzers, he has entirely diminished the value of his own arms, for he has destroyed the infantry altogether; and his men-at-arms he has subordinated to others, for, being as they are so accustomed to fight along with Switzers, it does not appear that they can now conquer without them.OP541912