gröber meaning and definition in german

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  1. comparative degree of grob
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Emma war in der gröbsten Verlegenheit.The week after Monsieur Lheureux placed it on her table.OP352308
Er muß sich nur hüten, diejenigen, die um ihn sind, und deren er sich in Regierungsgeschäften bedient, nicht gröblich zu beleidigen, wie Antoninus that, der einen Bruder des Centurio hatte tödten lassen, und ihm selbst täglich drohte, trotzdem aber die Leibwache anvertraute.And here it must be noted that such-like deaths, which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperate courage, cannot be avoided by princes, because any one who does not fear to die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less because they are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injury to those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state. Antoninus had not taken this care, but had contumeliously killed a brother of that centurion, whom also he daily threatened, yet retained in his bodyguard; which, as it turned out, was a rash thing to do, and proved the emperor 's ruin.OP549228
Er fühlte, daß außer der rein sittlichen Kraft, von der seine Seele sich leiten ließ, noch eine andere, gröbere, ebenso mächtige oder noch mächtigere Kraft obwaltete, die seinem Leben die Richtung gab, und daß diese Kraft ihm jene stille Ruhe, die ihm so lieb war, nicht lange belassen werde.He was conscious that, beside the good spiritual force which governed his soul, there existed a coarse power, as potent if not more so; and that this power would not grant him the humble peace he desired.OP800317
Denn diese Frau erschien ihm als eine Verkörperung jener gröberen Kraft, die nach der Anschauung der Welt seinem Leben die Richtung geben sollte und ihn hinderte, sich seinem Gefühle der Liebe und Verzeihung zu überlassen.' I am very grateful for your confidence, but... ' he began in confusion, feeling with vexation that what he could so clearly decide within himself he was unable to discuss in the presence of the Princess Tverskaya, who appeared to him the personification of that coarse power which would rule his life in the eye of the world, and which prevented him from yielding to his feelings of love and forgiveness.OP802357