beurteilte meaning and definition in german

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  1. First-person singular preterite of beurteilen.
  2. Third-person singular preterite of beurteilen.
  3. First-person singular subjunctive II of beurteilen.
  4. Third-person singular subjunctive II of beurteilen.
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Leni beurteilte ihn wahrscheinlich unrichtig.Leni was probably wrong about him.OP484652
Und dann der letzte Skandal, wie er irgendwo im Westen des Reiches eine Anstellung gefunden hatte, aber dort gerichtlich belangt worden war wegen einer Tracht Prügel, die er dem Gemeindevorsteher verabfolgt hatte. Das waren ja alles überaus garstige Dinge; aber Ljewin beurteilte es doch nicht so schlimm, wie es notwendigerweise die taten, die Nikolai und seine ganze Entwicklung und sein Herz nicht kannten.Then he remembered the night which Nicholas had spent in the police cells for disorderly conduct, and the disgraceful proceedings he had instigated against his brother Sergius Ivanich, whom he accused of not having paid out to him his share of his mother 's fortune: and lastly, the time when his brother took an official appointment in one of the Western Provinces and was there arrested for assaulting an Elder... It was all very disgusting, but to Levin it did not seem nearly so disgusting as it must have seemed to those who did not know Nicholas, nor his whole story, nor his heart.OP611961