beide meaning and definition in german
The pronoun exists in the plural (beide) and the neuter singular (beides). Although the senses of the two constructions are roughly the same, they are not freely interchangeable.
Only the plural construction is possible for referring to people, and generally after an article or determiner:
Anne und Tanja kommen beide aus Stuttgart.
“Anne and Tanja are both from Stuttgart.”
Diese beiden sind meine Lieblingsjacken.
“These two are my favourite jackets.”
The singular construction is used to refer to two situations or two choices:
Willst du eine Wohnung mieten oder kaufen? – Beides ist mir recht.
“Do you want to buy or rent an apartment?” – “Either way is fine with me.” (Literally “Both [choices] are fine with me.”)
Hier sitzen und nichts tun oder auf die Kirmes gehen – beides ist schrecklich.
“Sit here and do nothing, or go to that fun fair – both are horrible.”
Both constructions are possible for referring to things. The plural treats them as individual items, the singular as a collective whole. The latter is used chiefly with mass nouns.
Gefällt dir das rote oder das blaue Hemd besser? – Beide sind gut.
“Do you like the red or the blue shirt better?” – “Both are fine.”
Du kannst Suppe oder Kartoffelsalat essen – beides ist im Kühlschrank.
“You can have soup or potato salad – they’re both in the fridge.”
Only the plural construction is possible for referring to people, and generally after an article or determiner:
Anne und Tanja kommen beide aus Stuttgart.
“Anne and Tanja are both from Stuttgart.”
Diese beiden sind meine Lieblingsjacken.
“These two are my favourite jackets.”
The singular construction is used to refer to two situations or two choices:
Willst du eine Wohnung mieten oder kaufen? – Beides ist mir recht.
“Do you want to buy or rent an apartment?” – “Either way is fine with me.” (Literally “Both [choices] are fine with me.”)
Hier sitzen und nichts tun oder auf die Kirmes gehen – beides ist schrecklich.
“Sit here and do nothing, or go to that fun fair – both are horrible.”
Both constructions are possible for referring to things. The plural treats them as individual items, the singular as a collective whole. The latter is used chiefly with mass nouns.
Gefällt dir das rote oder das blaue Hemd besser? – Beide sind gut.
“Do you like the red or the blue shirt better?” – “Both are fine.”
Du kannst Suppe oder Kartoffelsalat essen – beides ist im Kühlschrank.
“You can have soup or potato salad – they’re both in the fridge.”