beibringen meaning and definition in german


strong, third-person singular simple present bringt bei, past tense brachte bei, past participle beigebracht, past subjunctive brächte bei, auxiliary haben
- to teach Dann wird den Kindern das Lesen beigebracht.
- Then the children are taught reading.
- Who's teaching that boy such swearwords?
- to break (news, information) carefully to Dass sein Urlaub gestrichen ist, müssen wir ihm schonend beibringen.
- We have to break the news to him gently, that his vacation has been axed.
- to inflict on, inflict with Er hat seinem Gegner eine schwere Platzwunde über dem Auge beigebracht.
- He inflicted a serious cut over the eye on his opponent.
- formal to bring, to provide as evidence Wenn Sie am Prüfungstag krank sind, müssen Sie ein ärztliches Attest beibringen.
- If you're sick on the day of the test, you must provide a doctor's note.