Herstellungen meaning and definition in german

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  1. plural of Herstellung
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Aber als sie kein Geld dazu hatte, eine Wiege mit rosa-seidnen Vorhängen und gestickte Kinderhäubchen zu kaufen, da überkam sie eine plötzliche Erbitterung; sie verlor die Lust, die Baby-Ausstattung selber sorglich auszuwählen, und überließ die Herstellung in Bausch und Bogen einer Näherin.But not being able to spend as much as she would have liked, to have a swing-bassinette with rose silk curtains, and embroidered caps, in a fit of bitterness she gave up looking after the trousseau, and ordered the whole of it from a village needlewoman, without choosing or discussing anything.OP312220
In der Herstellung von Konfitüren, Weinessig und süßen Likören war er ein Meister.Moreover, Homais, with his head fuller of recipes than his shop of jars, excelled in making all kinds of preserves, vinegars, and sweet liqueurs; he knew also all the latest inventions in economic stoves, together with the art of preserving cheese and of curing sick wines.OP315905
Seine Herstellung und seine Wirkung.Thus lately I myself wrote a considerable tract, a memoir of over seventy-two pages, entitled, ' Cider, its Manufacture and its Effects, together with some New Reflections on the Subject, ' that I sent to the Agricultural Society of Rouen, and which even procured me the honour of being received among its members Section, Agriculture; Class?, Pomological.OP330443
» Für die Herstellung von Ölkuchen... « Der Vorsitzende fing an sich zu beeilen. » Für Mastversuche nach flandrischer Art..." Use of oil-cakes, " continued the president.OP336419
Seine Herstellung und seine Wirkung «, sodann seine » Abhandlung über die Reblaus «, die er dem Ministerium unterbreitet hatte, ferner seine statistische Veröffentlichung, ganz abgesehen von seiner ehemaligen Prüfungsarbeit." First, having at the time of the cholera distinguished myself by a boundless devotion; second, by having published, at my expense, various works of public utility, such as " ( and he recalled his pamphlet entitled, " Cider, its manufacture and effects, " besides observation on the lanigerous plant-louse, sent to the Academy; his volume of statistics, and down to his pharmaceutical thesis ); " without counting that I am a member of several learned societies " ( he was member of a single one ).OP413646