vielfach meaning and definition in german

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Vereinfache deine vielfach komplizierten Interessen, Gefühle, Gedanken, Wünsche, Zwecke; verschmelze all deine Bedenken in den einen Vorsatz, jenen, mit Erfolg, mit Kraft die Mission deines mächtigen Herrn zu erfüllen.Simplify your complicated interests, feelings, thoughts, wishes, aims; merge all considerations in one purpose: that of fulfilling with effect--with power--the mission of your great Master.OP219027
Ja, ja, Herr Bovary, Sie werden öfters mit altmodischen Ansichten zu kämpfen haben, und vielfach werden Dickköpfigkeit und alter Schlendrian alle Anstrengungen Ihrer Kunst zunichte machen." Moreover, " said the druggist, " the practice of medicine is not very hard work in our part of the world, for the state of our roads allows us the use of gigs, and generally, as the farmers are prosperous, they pay pretty well. We have, medically speaking, besides the ordinary cases of enteritis, bronchitis, bilious affections, etc., now and then a few intermittent fevers at harvest-time; but on the whole, little of a serious nature, nothing special to note, unless it be a great deal of scrofula, due, no doubt, to the deplorable hygienic conditions of our peasant dwellings. Ah! you will find many prejudices to combat, Monsieur Bovary, much obstinacy of routine, with which all the efforts of your science will daily come into collision; for people still have recourse to novenas, to relics, to the priest, rather than come straight to the doctor or the chemist. The climate, however, is not, truth to tell, bad, and we even have a few nonagenarians in our parish. The thermometer ( I have made some observations ) falls in winter to 4 degrees Centigrade at the outside, which gives us 24 degrees Reaumur as the maximum, or otherwise 54 degrees Fahrenheit ( English scale ), not more. And, as a matter of fact, we are sheltered from the north winds by the forest of Argueil on the one side, from the west winds by the St. Jean range on the other; and this heat, moreover, which, on account of the aqueous vapours given off by the river and the considerable number of cattle in the fields, which, as you know, exhale much ammonia, that is to say, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen ( no, nitrogen and hydrogen alone ), and which sucking up into itself the humus from the ground, mixing together all those different emanations, unites them into a stack, so to say, and combining with the electricity diffused through the atmosphere, when there is any, might in the long run, as in tropical countries, engender insalubrious miasmata? this heat, I say, finds itself perfectly tempered on the side whence it comes, or rather whence it should come? that is to say, the southern side? by the south-eastern winds, which, having cooled themselves passing over the Seine, reach us sometimes all at once like breezes from Russia."OP309028
Nicht? « sagte er. » Man nimmt es jetzt vielfach zu Sofabehängen." It is very much used now for the backs of arm-chairs.OP390254
Wenn Sie dann noch bedenken, daß hier auch vielfach Wäsche zum Trocknen ausgehängt wird man kann es den Mietern nicht gänzlich untersagen, so werden Sie sich nicht mehr wundern, daß Ihnen ein wenig übel wurde.And when you think that there 's a lot of washing put out to dry here as well - and we can 't stop the tenants doing that - it 's not surprising you started to feel unwell.OP442190
Es stellte einen Mann im Richtertalar dar; er saß auf einem hohen Thronsessel, dessen Vergoldung vielfach aus dem Bilde hervorstach.It depicted a man wearing a judge 's robes; he was sitting on a lofty throne gilded in a way that shone forth from the picture.OP457060
Sie nahmen an einem Tische Platz, dessen Wachstuchüberzug vielfach von Federmessern zerschnitten war.They sat down at the table covered with leather cloth all cut about with penknives.OP785246
Leider mangelt es vielfach an Verständnis für die Bedeutung, die die Großgrundbesitzer im Staate haben müßten. «Unfortunately people do not understand the importance the large landowners should have in the State.'OP918360
Als sie auf dem schmalen Fußpfade zu einer ungemähten Waldwiese gelangt waren, die an der einen Seite dicht mit hellen Stiefmütterchen bedeckt war, zwischen denen vielfach hohe, dunkle Büsche von Nieswurz hervorwuchsen, ließ Ljewin seine Gäste in dem dichten, frischen Schatten der jungen Espen auf einer Bank und auf Holzklötzen Platz nehmen, die dort eigens für solche Besucher des Bienengartens an gebracht waren, die sich vor den Bienen fürchteten, und ging selbst zur Einfriedigung hin, um für die Kinder und die Erwachsenen Brot, Gurken und frischen Honig zu holen.When by the narrow footpath they had reached the unmown glade covered on one side by a thick growth of bright John-and-Maries, with tall spreading bushes of dark green sneezewort between them, Levin asked his guests to sit down in the deep cool shade of the young aspens? upon a bench and some tree stumps specially arranged for visitors to the apiary who might be afraid of bees? while he went to the hut to fetch bread, cucumbers, and fresh honey for the grown-up people as well as for the children.OP1012387