sandiger meaning and definition in german


- comparative degree of sandig

Nachdem er hundert Schritte gegangen war, blieb er stehen, um dem Wagen nachzuschauen, der die sandige Straße dahinrollte.The next day, on the other hand, he seemed another man. It was he who might rather have been taken for the virgin of the evening before, whilst the bride gave no sign that revealed anything. The shrewdest did not know what to make of it, and they looked at her when she passed near them with an unbounded concentration of mind. But Charles concealed nothing. He called her " my wife ", tutoyed * her, asked for her of everyone, looked for her everywhere, and often he dragged her into the yards, where he could be seen from far between the trees, putting his arm around her waist, and walking half-bending over her, ruffling the chemisette of her bodice with his head.OP289101
Die Spatzen schüttelten ihre Flügel auf dem nassen Gezweig, und in den Wasserrinnen auf dem sandigen Boden schwammmen rote Akazienblüten.Then the sun reappeared, the hens clucked, sparrows shook their wings in the damp thickets, and the pools of water on the gravel as they flowed away carried off the pink flowers of an acacia.OP324980
Auf den sandigen Wegen lag gefallenes Laub.The sand of the paths was disappearing beneath the dead leaves; she walked slowly, dragging along her slippers, and leaning against Charles 's shoulder.OP360790