rötlich meaning and definition in german

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Der Boden, rötlich wie zerblätterter Tabak, dämpfte die Tritte.The earth, ruddy like the powder of tobacco, deadened the noise of their steps, and with the edge of their shoes the horses as they walked kicked the fallen fir cones in front of them.OP339946
Der Rechtsanwalt war ein kleiner, stämmiger, kahlköpfiger Mann mit dunklem, rötlich schimmerndem Barte, hellen, langhaarigen Brauen und vorstehender Stirn.The lawyer was a short, thick-set, bald-headed man, with a black beard tinged with red, long light-coloured eyebrows, and a bulging forehead: He was as spruce as a bridegroom, from his white necktie and double watch-chain to his patent leather boots.OP770933