gewiegt meaning and definition in german

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  1. past participle of wiegen
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Sie dachte an alles das, was sie sich ersehnt, an alles, was sie von sich gewiesen, an alles, was sie hätte haben können!How was it that she? she, who was so intelligent? could have allowed herself to be deceived again? and through what deplorable madness had she thus ruined her life by continual sacrifices? She recalled all her instincts of luxury, all the privations of her soul, the sordidness of marriage, of the household, her dream sinking into the mire like wounded swallows; all that she had longed for, all that she had denied herself, all that she might have had! And for what? for what?OP350568
Der Kaufmann saß auf dem Sessel, auf den ihn K. gewiesen hatte, er hatte die Kerze, deren Licht jetzt unnötig war, ausgepustet und drückte mit den Fingern den Docht, um den Rauch zu verhindern.The businessman was sitting on the chair that K. had directed him to, he had extinguished the candle whose light was no longer needed and pressed on the wick with his fingers to stop the smoke.OP480375
» Nein, ich habe sie nicht gesehen «, antwortete Wronski und ging zu seinem Pferde, ohne auch nur nach der Stelle hinzusehen, wohin, als nach Annas Platz, der andere gewiesen hatte.' No, I have not, ' said Vronsky, and without even glancing at the pavilion where Anna was pointed out to him, he went to his horse.OP673517
» Was ist das für ein sinnloses Benehmen! « sagte Stepan Arkadjewitsch, als er von seinem Freunde erfahren hatte, daß er aus dem Hause gewiesen sei, und Ljewin im Garten fand, wo er in Erwartung der Abreise des Gastes umherging. » Mais c'est ridicule!' What is this nonsense? ' said Oblonsky, when he had heard from his friend that he was being driven out of the house, and had found Levin in the garden, where he was walking while awaiting the departure of his visitor. ' Mais c 'est ridicule!OP901996