entwaffnete meaning and definition in german

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  1. First-person singular preterite of entwaffnen.
  2. Third-person singular preterite of entwaffnen.
  3. First-person singular subjunctive II of entwaffnen.
  4. Third-person singular subjunctive II of entwaffnen.
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Einige Fürsten haben ihre Unterthanen entwaffnet, um ihre Herrschaft sicher zu stellen, andre haben es darauf angelegt, daß die Parteien in den ihnen unterworfenen Städten fortdauern sollten, andre haben Feindschaften gegen sich selbst unterhalten, andre haben sich bemüht, diejenigen, welche ihnen zu Anfang verdächtig waren, zu gewinnen; einige haben Festungen erbaut, andre haben sie niedergerissen und zerstört.1. Some princes, so as to hold securely the state, have disarmed their subjects; others have kept their subject towns distracted by factions; others have fostered enmities against themselves; others have laid themselves out to gain over those whom they distrusted in the beginning of their governments; some have built fortresses; some have overthrown and destroyed them.OP550180
Es ist einem neuen Fürsten niemals zuträglich gewesen, seine Unterthanen zu entwaffnen.2. There never was a new prince who has disarmed his subjects; rather when he has found them disarmed he has always armed them, because, by arming them, those arms become yours, those men who were distrusted become faithful, and those who were faithful are kept so, and your subjects become your adherents.OP550301
Wer hingegen damit anfängt, das Volk zu entwaffnen, beleidigt es, und zeigt Mißtrauen in ihren Muth oder ihre Treue: solche Gesinnungen erregen beide Haß.But when you disarm them, you at once offend them by showing that you distrust them, either for cowardice or for want of loyalty, and either of these opinions breeds hatred against you.OP550433
Wenn aber ein Fürst ein Land erwirbt, welches als ein neues Glied mit seinen Besitzungen im alten Staatskörper vereinigt wird, so ist es nothwendig, diese Provinz zu entwaffnen, mit alleiniger Ausnahme derjenigen, die sich bei der Eroberung für ihn erklärt haben.But when a prince acquires a new state, which he adds as a province to his old one, then it is necessary to disarm the men of that state, except those who have been his adherents in acquiring it; and these again, with time and opportunity, should be rendered soft and effeminate; and matters should be managed in such a way that all the armed men in the state shall be your own soldiers who in your old state were living near you.OP550561