liberal meaning and definition in german
The most prominent, though not the only, association with political liberalism in German-speaking Europe is support for free market economy and rejection of state interventionism. Both of these policies regularly put liberals in sharp opposition to the Marxism-based left. Liberal parties most often represent the centre or even the centre-right of the political spectrum.
- liberal; permissive; allowing personal freedoms Seine Eltern waren streng katholische Kirchgänger, aber liberal gegenüber den Kindern. His parents were strict Catholic church-goers, but were liberal towards their children.
- politics liberal; libertarian see usage notes below Die FDP ist die wichtigste liberale Partei in Deutschland. The FDP is Germany’s most important liberal party.
Was nötig sei, sei der Stock; aber wir seien so liberal geworden, daß wir statt der seit tausend Jahren bestehenden Prügelstrafe auf einmal Anwälte und Gefängnishaft eingeführt hätten, wobei man die nichtsnutzigen, stinkenden Bauern mit guter Suppe füttere und ausrechne, wieviel Kubikfuß Luft sie brauchten.A stick was necessary, but we had exchanged the thousand-year-old stick for some kind of lawyers and prisons, in which the good-for-nothing stinking peasants were fed with good soup and provided with a given number of cubic feet of air.OP753056
Derived terms
• libéral