Tun meaning and definition in german
tun meaning and definition in german
irregular, third-person singular simple present tut, past tense tat, past participle getan, auxiliary haben
The verb tun in the sense of “to perform” is not used in combination with nouns. This function is covered by the verb machen: ich mache Sport, wir machen ein Spiel, er macht die Wäsche (“I do sport, we do a game, he does the laundry”). The same is true with pronouns that represent such nouns: Wer macht die Wäsche? – Ich mache sie. (“Who does the laundry? – I do it.”) It is usually ungrammatical to use tun in sentences like these.
Tun is only used with pronouns that represent actions as a whole: Was tust du? (“What are you doing?”) Ich tue viel für die Umwelt. (“I do a lot for the environment.”) Er tut alles, was sie sagt. (“He does everything she says.”)
The usage of do-support is a feature of several dialects and minority languages in Germany. In the standard language, it is most established along the Rhine. It is generally associated with lower socio-economic status.
Tun is only used with pronouns that represent actions as a whole: Was tust du? (“What are you doing?”) Ich tue viel für die Umwelt. (“I do a lot for the environment.”) Er tut alles, was sie sagt. (“He does everything she says.”)
The usage of do-support is a feature of several dialects and minority languages in Germany. In the standard language, it is most established along the Rhine. It is generally associated with lower socio-economic status.
- to do to perform or execute an action Tu es! — Do it! Man tut, was man kann. — One does what one can. Er tat das, was man ihm gesagt hat. — He did as he was told. Das einzige, was er je tat, war arbeiten. — The only thing he ever did was work.
- with dative to do something (positive or negative) to someone Der tut Ihnen nichts! — He won't hurt you! (said for example about a dog) Mein Mann hat mir so viel Gutes getan. – My husband has done me so much good.
- colloquial to put, to place, to add Tu das hier rein. — Put it in here. Ich würde noch was Salz an die Kartoffeln tun. – I would add some more salt to the potatoes.
- somewhat, informal, with “so” to fake; to feign; to pretend Er hat nur so getan. — He just faked it. Tu nicht so, als wüsstest du nichts! — Don't pretend to know nothing!
- colloquial, with “es” to work, to function Die Uhr tut’s nicht mehr. – “The clock doesn’t work anymore.”
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