lauter meaning and definition in german


- formal sincere; honorable; of integrity; correct Der Angeklagten können lautere Absichten nicht abgesprochen werden. “The defendant’s honorable intentions cannot be denied.”
- formal, literary, most often of metal genuine; pure Der König trug einen Ring aus lauterem Gold. “The king wore a ring of genuine gold.”
- in common use, uninflected, not comparable a lot of; a bunch of; much; many; several Ich hab auf der Party lauter alte Freunde getroffen. “I met a bunch of old friends at the party.”
- comparative degree of laut

- formal in a sincere, honorable, correct manner; with integrity Die andere Seite hat sich in den Verhandlungen nicht lauter verhalten. “The other side did not behave correctly during the negotiations.”
- in common use just; only; exclusively; often best translated with all Die Leute in der Verwaltung sind lauter Idioten. “Those people in the administration are all idiots.” Das ist doch lauter Unsinn, was du sagst. “But that’s just nonsense what you’re saying.”