Bis meaning and definition in german
- music B-sharp
bis meaning and definition in german
The temporal preposition bis can be followed by temporal adverbs of all kind: bis nachmittags (“until afternoon”), bis jetzt (“until now”). Moreover it can be followed by times, dates, holidays, days of the week, months, or years. The words Woche (“week”), Monat (“month”), and Jahr (“year”), as well as the names of days and months may also be preceded by letzter, voriger, dieser, kommender, or nächster. For example: bis letzte Woche'' ‑ "until last week; bis nächsten Freitag (“until next Friday”).
The local preposition bis can be followed by local adverbs of all kind (e.g. bis hier (“over here”)) and by place names (see above).
In other cases, bis must be followed by another preposition, most commonly zu (“to”): bis zum Sommer (“until summer”); bis zum ersten Freitag im neuen Jahr (“until the first Friday of the new year”); bis zum Hauptbahnhof (“to the main station”). This means that bis is never directly followed by a definite or indefinite article. Sometimes other prepositions may also be used after bis: Er ging bis ans Ufer. (“He went close to the shore”).
The local preposition bis can be followed by local adverbs of all kind (e.g. bis hier (“over here”)) and by place names (see above).
In other cases, bis must be followed by another preposition, most commonly zu (“to”): bis zum Sommer (“until summer”); bis zum ersten Freitag im neuen Jahr (“until the first Friday of the new year”); bis zum Hauptbahnhof (“to the main station”). This means that bis is never directly followed by a definite or indefinite article. Sometimes other prepositions may also be used after bis: Er ging bis ans Ufer. (“He went close to the shore”).
Derived terms
• bis auf